I finished editing a wedding yesterday evening which always gives me a great sense of satisfaction. There's great reward in seeing the final set of images having worked so hard to capture them, edit, and in this instance produce a slide show of 90 of the images to music - when photographing a wedding you need to throw your heart and soul into capturing the emotion of the day. This image caught my eye, the combination of location, sky and cute bridesmaids! More images to follow....
This should be a good week with a wedding on Friday at Buxted House in West Sussex and then off to Manchester on Saturday afternoon for an early start on Sunday morning with Jeff Ascough and George Weir - two of the greatest wedding photo journalists on the planet. The quality of Jeff's seminars are always superb, this will be my third! Blend it with George's (Scottish!) Stateside slant and it has the makings of a very informative day - review to follow.