Thursday, June 18
I arrived back from Liverpool yesterday evening to find a box waiting for me in the lounge. In the box was a Canon EOS 5D MKII, though not a suprise I was delighted to see that it had arrived before a busy weekend. There's a great debate raging in the photography world regarding the importance of kit, digital v film, post processing etc. The underlying argument being that a good photographer can use any photography equipement as the skill is capturing 'the decisive moment' (Henri Cartier-Bresson) and composing the images correctly. For me creating great images is absolutely about capturing the decisive moment and composing brilliantly but I don't dismiss the argument that kit can help. I hate using flash and will avoid using it unless I really, really have to. Shooting weddings with 'standard' camera bodies and lenses without using flash would be virtually imposible - having fast lenses that can shoot f1.2 / f1.4 immediatley gives the photographer benefit in low light situations. Couple that with ISO 6400 that the 5D MK II delivers, I'm hoping that I'll never need to use flash again!! The MKII also comes with 21m pixels and video which though not the most important feature will be fun to try out.